Tag: jose rosello


On July 23rd, elections were held in Spain.

Did you know that DON HIERRO has played a very important role in the elections?

Our company has manufactured all the voting booths used to guarantee the secrecy of each person’s vote. 🗳️

This week, our CEO José Roselló, has made an interview in the radio station COPE.

➡️ Here you have the link to the news and the phone interview in case you want to listen to it!


Interview with José Roselló, CEO of DON HIERRO

“In such a globalized world, we have to rely on innovation and sustainability. We have to put ourselves in the consumer’s shoes and analyze what they need and manufacture it for them, but all from a philosophy of sustainability and proximity”.

Our CEO, José Roselló talks about the company’s philosophy and the importance of innovation and the environment in the Valencia Plaza newspaper♻️🌍

➡️ You can find the full interview at https://valenciaplaza.com/jose-rosello-el-diseno-la-ergonomia-la-innovacion-y-la-sostenibilidad-son-valores-intrinsecos-de-todo-nuestro-equipo  

Don’t miss it! 📰

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